August 2017 Eagle Scout Awards
Commandant Herb Cole recognizes local Eagle Scouts ,from Troop 82, with the Marine Corps League’s Good Citizenship Award Certificate. A total of 5 Eagle Scouts received certificates.
Commandant Herb Cole recognizes local Eagle Scouts ,from Troop 82, with the Marine Corps League’s Good Citizenship Award Certificate. A total of 5 Eagle Scouts received certificates.
Elected Appointed Elected Commandant:Lew Thomas251-454-0004 Sr. Vice Commandant:Bob King251-979-1869 Jr. Vice Commandant:Doug Mansmann251-455-5402 Judge Advocate:Jerry Cherne251-554-7616 Jr. Past Commandant:Aaron Henriques386-984-0447 Appointed Paymaster:John Cutright251-751-0636 Adjutant:Kenya Thomas251-689-2888 Chaplain:Herschel Mason251-721-3405 Sgt. At Arms:Doug Mansmann251-455-5402 Quartermaster:Emily Buttenwieser719-452-1494 Web Sergeant:Herb Cole251-377-4047 Eagle Scout Liaison:Robert King251-979-1869 Toys For Tots Coordinator:Kenya Thomas251-689-2888 POW/MIA Ceremony Coordinator:Jerry Cherne251-554-7616 William F. Green Veteran’s Home Liaison:Jerry Cherne251-554-7616